A few weeks after conception, your baby's brain is already on its way to being developed. Several months before child birth, your baby's brain could already do basic functions. Your role in enhancing your baby's brain and developing it further starts as soon as child birth and continues throughout his life, or at least until he starts learning on his own.
According to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory, there are about seven different types of intelligence - linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Some people can excel in all things involving math while others may have the gift of tongue. How we develop which intelligence would depend on how we were reared as a child.
Toys such as alphabet blocks and story books with large pictures can help your child develop his linguistic intelligence. For toddlers, you can give them toys that talk and say the alphabet and numbers out loud. Your child can them repeat after them. On the other hand, musical intelligence can be enhanced by crib mobiles that come with music as well as baby rattles. These toys give your baby a first-hand experience on how sound is produced. Your visual-spatial intelligence can be enhanced with the use of building blocks or clay. Older children can be given puzzles to solve. You might also want to try handing your child a few drawing tools which they could use to draw what's on their mind. A trip to a nearby park can also enhance your child's visual intelligence.
If you want to enhance your child's logical-mathematical abilities, you might want to try giving him or her building blocks. Older children can be given construction sets as well as experiment sets. Rubik's cube is another way by which you can enhance your child's intelligence as well as toys that allow your child to mix and match. Computer games that feature cause-and-effect activities can also help enhance his or her way of thinking. A trip to the local museum can also help hone their intelligence. Children with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can participate in physical activities such as running around, scavenger hunts, dancing, etc. For babies, activities could include walking around, crawling and dancing about. They could also be given construction sets, building blocks and even clay.
On the other hand, enhancing your child's interpersonal skills would involve make-believe games. You can also allow them to act out characters from story books that you have read to them. On the other hand, puzzles and some quiet time for reflection, observation and analysis of things are just what your child needs in order to enhance his intrapersonal skills. Older children can be given puzzle books as well as brain teasers for them to work on. Your child's brain can absorb thousands of information during the first three years of his or her life. Take advantage of this phase of his or her life by giving him or her toys that would help in the development of his or her brain. The more types of toys he or she is exposed to, the higher the chances of him developing his intelligence. - 31376
According to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory, there are about seven different types of intelligence - linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Some people can excel in all things involving math while others may have the gift of tongue. How we develop which intelligence would depend on how we were reared as a child.
Toys such as alphabet blocks and story books with large pictures can help your child develop his linguistic intelligence. For toddlers, you can give them toys that talk and say the alphabet and numbers out loud. Your child can them repeat after them. On the other hand, musical intelligence can be enhanced by crib mobiles that come with music as well as baby rattles. These toys give your baby a first-hand experience on how sound is produced. Your visual-spatial intelligence can be enhanced with the use of building blocks or clay. Older children can be given puzzles to solve. You might also want to try handing your child a few drawing tools which they could use to draw what's on their mind. A trip to a nearby park can also enhance your child's visual intelligence.
If you want to enhance your child's logical-mathematical abilities, you might want to try giving him or her building blocks. Older children can be given construction sets as well as experiment sets. Rubik's cube is another way by which you can enhance your child's intelligence as well as toys that allow your child to mix and match. Computer games that feature cause-and-effect activities can also help enhance his or her way of thinking. A trip to the local museum can also help hone their intelligence. Children with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can participate in physical activities such as running around, scavenger hunts, dancing, etc. For babies, activities could include walking around, crawling and dancing about. They could also be given construction sets, building blocks and even clay.
On the other hand, enhancing your child's interpersonal skills would involve make-believe games. You can also allow them to act out characters from story books that you have read to them. On the other hand, puzzles and some quiet time for reflection, observation and analysis of things are just what your child needs in order to enhance his intrapersonal skills. Older children can be given puzzle books as well as brain teasers for them to work on. Your child's brain can absorb thousands of information during the first three years of his or her life. Take advantage of this phase of his or her life by giving him or her toys that would help in the development of his or her brain. The more types of toys he or she is exposed to, the higher the chances of him developing his intelligence. - 31376
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For the best unique baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets for boy, girls, unisex and twins.